* Carrot Seed Secret *

There’s a little known essential oil that’s holding a pretty secret =]

Carrot Seed Oil is the newest EO I’ve been researching and it’s a beautiful oil!

Hailing from the very tiny seed of Queen Anne’s Lace (an ancestor of carrot)

it carries a sharp woody aroma with an orange hue….

the smell is not my favorite, but the uses are very convincing!

These are just a few………………..

*natural SPF

*natural tanning aid

*restores hair health

*repairs split ends

*gives youth to the face by smoothing wrinkles

*nourishes skin, hair and nails

*strong anti-oxidant

*detoxifies the liver

*stimulates circulation

*calms rashy skin like eczema and psoriasis

*even diminishes stretch marks!!!!! (((I’m currently doing an experiment on half my belly)))

Pretty impressive, huh??

For an oil I just met, we’re becoming really close ;]

I bought mine through Vitacost, it was around $15.

So far, I’ve only made the skin cream with cocoa butter and coconut oil

and I’m already loving the smooth feeling it gives my hands.

Cedarwood seems to be a good accompaniment to it’s woody nature,

I’ll keep experimenting with combinations.

My next EO will be Helichrysum….”the miracle oil”

If you’re playing with this EO as well…..I’d love to hear about it…!!

Until then……………A carrot a day………………….*K